
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.




This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).

Polling Interval (seconds)

A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.

Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.

IoT Hub Details


Use Variables

Tick to select saved variables; or enter the credentials manually.

IoT Hub Host Name

The hostname URL of the IoT Hub. This can be found in the Azure Portal blade for the IoT Hub, on the Overview tab under "Hostname" and normally ends in "".

Event Hub Name

The Event Hub of the IoT Hub to connect to. This can be found in the Azure Portal Blade for the IoT Hub on the Built-in Endpoints by examining the EntityPath value of the Event Hub compatible Endpoint setting, and is normally in the format "sb://***"

Event Hub Endpoint

The Event Hub endpoint of the IoT Hub to connect to. This can be found in the Azure Portal Blade for the IoT Hub on the Built-in Endpoints by examining the Endpoint value of the Event Hub compatible Endpoint setting, and is normally in the format "sb://***"

Shared Access Key Name

The name of the IoT Hub Shared Access Key to use to grant priviliges to the agent.

Shared Access Key Value

The value of the IoT Hub Shared Access Key to use to grant priviliges to the agent.


The devices to receive data from - events from other devices will be retrieved but discarded.

Output Properties


Use File Definition?

Tick to upload a CSV file to automatically fill the Output Properties table with property names; or enter properties manually.

File Definition

The CSV file to read property names. Only applies if Use File Definition? is ticked.

The output properties table has the following properties:



The name of the property.

Data Type

The type of the property. The options are:

  • Boolean

  • Long

  • Integer

  • Double

  • DateTime

  • String



Payload is Array

Tick if the IoT Hub data will contain an array of event objects, or leave unticked if the data will contain a single event object.




Events received from the IoT Hub are made available to this endpoint with outputs as configured in the Output Properties table.


If errors are encountered during the execution of this Agent they will be published on this endpoint.

Last updated