Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a checksum algorithm to detect accidental changes to raw data, e.g. bit errors during data transmission. The checksum is transmitted along with the data.

The receiver verifies the data by appending the checksum to the actual data and computes another CRC - it is likely no transmission error occured if the new CRC value is zero. Alternately, the receiver can recalculate the CRC on the initial value and compare this to the received CRC. A match indicates success.

The number of the CRC algorithm indicates the length in bits of the calculation result, e.g. 8, 16 or 32 bit. The higher the number, the less chance of a false positive on the error detection.

The XMPro CRC16 Function allows you to calculate 16-bit CRC values of one attribute in the incoming payload. You could add a Filter to exclude events where the calculated CRC16 value does not match the expected value and follow it with a Recommendation Agent to alert an engineer.

Details for an example and its configuration can be found in the How to Use section.


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