
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.




Associate the Agent to a specific Collection, defaults to that of the current Data Stream.

Polling Interval (seconds)

A timespan to specify how often the Agent should check for new data/changes or update its cache.

Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.



Use Uploaded File?

Tick to generate the payload from an uploaded file; or enter the data manually.

The properties in the table below apply when NOT uploading a file.


File Directory

The file directory where the target CSV file is located.

File Name

The name of the target CSV file which contains the context data.

Pull File By Date

By default (False) the specified file name is used and the same file is referenced whenever the cache is refreshed, use True when the file changes by date.

Date Format

The format of the date suffix (applies when Pull File By Date is True).


The CSV Definition grid is populated when the file is uploaded - one row per column. Or each row is added manually if the file upload option was not used.


CSV Definition (Name, Type)

The Name and Type of each column in the source CSV file, and as they will appear in the output payload.

The attribute name should combine words or use a _, rather than a space.

The attribute data types used for the output payload are String, Long, Double, Boolean, DateTime, or Integer.

Limit Rows

An optional limit on the number of records to return, by default all rows are returned.

Filter Criteria

The optional filter(s) applied to the CSV file contents, expressed with the column name, operator (Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with and Equals) and compare value.

Sort By

The attribute(s) by which the output should be sorted (optional).




An event per record in the CSV file will be made available to this endpoint with attributes matching the configured payload.


If errors are encountered during the execution of this Agent they will be published on this endpoint.

Last updated