
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade


Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.


A valid SMTP server must be configured in order to send emails.

Email Settings

Placeholder Mapping

Placeholders, denoted by curly braces "{}", can be specified in the Subject, Body, and Template File settings. They are mapped to event data when the email is sent.

This grid will automatically refresh the list of valid placeholders whenever the Subject, Body, or Template File properties are changed.

Before configuring the Transformation, please ensure that its input endpoint is connected to a parent Agent which will be sending data to it.


Template File Example

Below is an example of an Email Template for Collate Email.

The {{placeholdername}} serves as a placeholder. It is replaced with the mapped event data column from the first row of the batch Event Data at runtime.

To display event data in tabular format, prefix the placeholder name with add “repeat_" e.g. {{repeat_value}}.

Add the attribute name="repeat" to the tr tag in the Email HTML Template, which will render the event data.

The placeholder can be added inside the HTML properties to create a dynamic table style. E.g. <td style=”background-color:{{repeat_color}}”>

        Title: {{Title}}
                <td>Reading No</td>
            <tr name="repeat">
                <td style="background-color:{{repeat_Color}}">{{repeat_ReadingNo}}</td>

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