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This example Data Stream demonstrates how to use this Action Agent to send emails when receiving erroneous temperature data from a filter's false output endpoint.
Refer to configuration to understand all configuration options of this Agent.
Drag the Email Action Agent to the canvas, link the input endpoint to the filter's False endpoint, the output to the Event Printer and rename the Agent. Save the Data Stream.
Select the Agent and click Configure. In this case, keep the default Collection.
Enter values for the SMTP Server, SMTP Port, User Name, and Password settings.
Set Authentication Mode. In this case, set Authentication Mode to OAuth and enter values for Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID.
Enter the from and to addresses. This example uses "intelligentinvoicecapture@xmpro.com" and "example@xmpro.com" respectively.
Enter "Erroneous Event" as the subject of the email.
Enter "{Pump} has an erroneous temperature of {Temperature}." as the body of the email.
Since the body included the tags {Pump} and {Temperature}, they have been exposed as placeholders and can be replaced by event values.
Click Refresh Placeholders to populate the placeholders grid. Map them to their respective input payload attributes in the Placeholder Mapping table.
Apply the changes, save the Data Stream, and publish it.
Let's look at the Live Data View. Observe the email events printed for temperature and the email generated for the same.
See the Import, Export, and Clone - XMPro article for steps to import a Data Stream.
Data Stream
Sample Data