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This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Polling Interval (seconds)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
The Email Protocol used to connect to the Host Server. The protocols supported are:
POP3: get unread emails that arrive after the Data Stream is published
IMAP: get unread emails, regardless of whether they arrived before or after the Data Stream is published
Use Variables?
Tick to use server variables for Host Address, Port, User, and Password; or enter them manually.
The Url of the server to connect to.
The port of the server to connect to (default to port 995).
Tick to always attempt to connect using a secure connection; otherwise, a secure connection is not guaranteed. It is recommended to tick this when possible.
Disable SSL Validation?
Tick to turn off the validation of SSL certificates when connecting to the email server. It is recommended to leave this unticked when possible.
Refresh Client Token Interval (hours)
A timespan between 1 (default) and 24 hours to specify how often should the Agent refresh the email client token (applies to OAuth Authentication Mode only).
The username with which to authenticate to the email server.
The password of the user to use for authentication.
Authentication Mode
The authentication mode used to connect to the email server: Basic (default) or OAuth (token-based).
Tenant ID
Tenant Id used for authentication (applies to OAuth Authentication Mode only).
Client ID
Client Id used for authentication (applies to OAuth Authentication Mode only).
Client Secret
Client Secret used for authentication (applies to OAuth Authentication Mode only).
Refresh Client Token Interval (hours)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent refresh the email client token, between 1 (default) and 24. (applies to OAuth Authentication Mode only).
Get Email
The criteria to filter the unread Emails:
With Attachment
Without Attachment
Applies to IMAP protocol only.
Delete on read?
Tick for emails to be deleted once they have been processed.
Attachment Streaming Type
The output options are Local Storage (output as file path) or Streaming (output as Base64 binary string)
An event per email is made available to this endpoint.
Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.