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This Agent requires extensive configuration and this section explains each of the properties.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Polling Interval (seconds)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
Return Type
FFT or Wave Form.
Duration Unit
Day, Hour or Minute.
Duration Value
The number of duration units e.g. 6 days or 15 minutes.
The duration unit and value are used to determine the provider duration in which to check for the latest reading. If no data is returned, you may need to increase the duration.
The credentials provided are used to generate a token, which is used during configuration to populate the equipment property options - and during runtime once the data stream is published.
Use Connection Variables
Tick to select saved variables; or enter the text manually.
Base URL
The base URL provided by Erbessd (ends in .svc).
User Name
The user name / email.
The password.
The database from which the equipment data will be returned. The list is generated based on the credentials provided.
Each data selection is based on the previous one - please be patient whilst the values are loaded.
The company from which the equipment data will be returned. The list is generated based on the database selected.
The area from which the equipment data will be returned. The list is generated based on the company selected.
The machine(s) to be monitored. the list is generated based on the area selected.
The equipment point(s) to be monitored. The list is generated based on the equipment selected - and only points with an axis.
The equipment point's axes to be monitored. The list is generated based on the point(s) selected.
The Agent publishes the available Wave Form / FFT events to this endpoint. The common output attributes are EquipmentId, EquipmentName, PointId, PointName, AxisId, AxisName and Timestamp.
WaveFormTime and WaveFormAmplitude attributes apply to the Wave Form return type only.
FFTFrequency and FFTAmplitude attributes apply to the FFT return type only.
If errors are encountered during the execution of this Agent they will be published on this endpoint.