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This Agent requires extensive configuration and this section explains each of the properties.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Polling Interval (seconds)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
The configuration properties, validation, and final output payload differ per return type.
Return Type
Vibration, Sensor Node, FFT & TWF, or Devices.
Return Value Type
The return type can be New (records created within the polling interval) or Latest (the most recent record created regardless of time). (applies to Vibration and Sensor Node return type only).
Get Latest On First Poll
Tick to get the latest values on the first poll of the Agent and after that only the new values (applies to New return value type only).
Frequency Unit
The frequency unit options are Hz or CPM (applies to FFT & TWF return type only).
Signal Type
The signal type options are G, mm/s, mm/s2, in/s, μm, mils, or GE (applies to FFT & TWF return type only).
For the Devices return type, the Name column must contain the associated Equipment ID and Name in the format {EquipmentName}_{EquipmentId}_SensorName. E.g. P1234_5332344_PumpSpeed.
Use Connection Variables
Tick to select saved variables; or enter the text manually.
Base URL
The base URL provided by Erbessd (ends in .svc).
User Name
The user name / email.
The password.
The database from which the instrument data will be returned.
Each data selection is based on the previous one - please be patient whilst the values are loaded.
The optional company(s) from which the equipment data will be returned. The list is generated based on the database selected.
The optional area(s) from which the equipment data will be returned. The list is generated based on the company selected.
The optional machine(s) to be monitored. If no equipment is specified, data for all available equipment will be returned.
The optional equipment point(s) to be monitored (applies to Vibration, Sensor Node, and FFT & TWF return type only). If no points are specified, data for all available points will be returned.
Manual Input For Axis
Tick to manually enter the Axis values (applies to Vibration or FFT & TWF return type only).
The optional equipment point's axes to be monitored (applies to Vibration or FFT & TWF return type only). If no axis is specified, data for all available axes will be returned. This is mandatory when Manual Input For Axis is ticked, and it must be formatted as follows: {Axis Id}{Axis Name} e.g. 1_H
Timezone Offset
A timespan to specify the difference in hours between UTC and the timezone in which the sensors log the data.
Metadata Cache Duration (hours)
A timespan to specify how often the Agent should refresh the metadata cache, i.e. the lists of Companies, Areas, Equipment, Points, and Axis.
Polling Delay (secs)
A timespan to specify the number of seconds to shift the polling timeframe back from the current time. This is used when there is a latency between the sensors and the Erbessd EI Analytics platform.
Applies when the Vibration/Sensor Node Return Type and New Return Value Type is used.
Concurrent Task Limit
The number of concurrent API calls to Erbessd.
The Agent publishes the new events to this endpoint.
The Vibration output attributes are EquipmentId, EquipmentName, PointIndex, PointName, Axis, AxisName, RealValue, Severity, Units, UnitName, Reason and MachineCode.
The Sensor Node output attributes are Machine Code, Point Index, Axis, Date Time, Units, Severity, Real Value, Reason, Equipment ID, Equipment Name, Point Name, Axis Name, Unit Name and Time Since Last Poll Secs.
The FFT & TWF output attributes are EquipmentId, EquipmentName, PointIndex, PointName, Axis, AxisName, Units, UnitName, Timestamp, FFTData, WaveFormData and MachineCode. The Device output attributes are ID, Code, Model, Type, ChannelCount, Name, Description, Enabled, Battery, Temperature, LastUpdateConfig, SignalStrength, FirmwareVersion, EquipmentID, EquipmentName, SensorName and MachineCode.
If errors are encountered during the execution of this Agent they will be published on this endpoint.