
An example Data Stream that demonstrates how to use this Transformation to split pump data into high, low, and normal temperatures can be found below.

Refer to configuration to understand all configuration options of this Agent.

Step 1: Add the Agent

Drag the Filter Agent onto the canvas, link the input endpoint to the pump data, and the output to the printers: false to print normal, output to print high, and output 2 to print low.

Rename the Agent and save the Data Stream.

Step 2: Configure General

Select the Agent and click Configure. Keep the default Collection.

Step 3: Configure the Filter

Filter 1

Click the + button to add a condition, then select Water temperature, is greater than, and type 150 for the value.

Filter 2

Click the + button to add a condition, then select Water temperature, is less than, and type 110 for the value.

Step 4: Results

Apply the changes, save the Data Stream and publish it.

Let’s look at the Live Data View. Events where filter 1 (> 150) is 'true' appear on the high temperature printer. Events where filter 2 (<110) is 'true' appear on the low temperature printer. Events that are 'false' for both filters appear on the normal temperature printer.


See the Import, Export, and Clone - XMPro article for steps to import a Data Stream.

Last updated