
This Data Stream example demonstrates how to use this Context Provider to read asset order data from the FinOps OData service.

Refer to configuration to understand all configuration options of this Agent.

Step 1: Add the Agent

Drag the OData Agent onto the canvas and rename it. Link the output endpoint to the printer and save the Data Stream.

Step 2: Configure General

Select the Agent and click Configure. In this case, keep the default Collection.

Step 3: Configure Service

Set the polling interval, the OData version, and enter the authentication details.

In this case, we're polling every 5 seconds, using OData version 4 and authentication type of app credentials. Select the authentication URL, client ID, and secret ID.

Step 4: Configure Entity

Set the entity and columns to return. In this case, set the entity to AssetMaintenanceRequests.

Set the number of results, ordering, and sorting. In this case, set the number of results to 5, order by DataAreaId, and sort by ascending order.

Step 5: Results

Apply the changes, save the Data Stream and publish it.

Let's look at the Live Data View. Observe that 5 asset order records are printed every 5 seconds.


See the Import, Export, and Clone - XMPro article for steps to import a Data Stream.

Last updated