
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.




This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).

Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.



Use Variables

Tick to use saved variables for settings properties; or enter the text manually.

XML File Export Location

The location where the XML files will be created.

File Name

The column or attribute of the input payload used to name the new file.

Tax Calculation


Total Tax Value

The column or attribute of the input payload that is the total tax amount of the invoice.

Total Invoice Value

The column or attribute of the input payload that is the total invoice amount of the invoice.



XML Sample File

The sample XML file used to generate the iPOS XML integration file content.

Mapping Grid

The XML input mapping grid is populated when the XML sample file is uploaded, one row per XML tag.

The invoice line values must be a string containing a JSON array within a single column.


XML Path

The path of the XML tag in the uploaded XML file.

XML Name

The XML tag name found in the uploaded XML file.

Input Mapping

The column or attribute from the input payload that contains the value used in the iPOS XML file.

The XML file default value will be used if blank.

For mapping the invoice line items where the XML Path contains "InvoiceItem", please use the column name from the input payload which contains the JSON array of invoice line values plus the JSON property name in the JSON array, and use a dot to separate the two. i.e. {Column Name}.{JSON Property Name}


XML Path: /iPOS/Invoices/Invoice/InvoiceItems/InvoiceItem/Description

Input Mapping: Lineitem.description

Before configuring the Action Agent, please ensure that its input endpoint is connected to a parent Agent which will be sending data to it.




This endpoint is used to receive data from the parent Agent.


Events received from the parent Agent are made available to this endpoint, with the generated XML file content appended.


Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.

Last updated