
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.




This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).

Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.




Select whether the script will be executed on the CPU Only or GPU Accelerated (GPU option available when this capability is detected).

Use Environment Variables

Tick to use the system Environment Variables on the host system for lookup paths.

Refer to the CPU-Only Pre-requisites and GPU-Accelerated Pre-requisites for instructions as setup differs based on the Accelerator.

User Server Variables

Tick to select saved variables for the Python Home, Python Path, and Python DLL Path, or enter the text manually (applies when Use Environment Variables is not ticked).

Python Home

The location of the standard Python libraries (applies when Use Environment Variables is not ticked). Eg. C:\Python37

Python Path

The location of the Python site packages folder (applies to CPU Only Accelerator only when Use Environment Variables is not ticked).

Eg. C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages

Python DLL Path

Path to python**.dll (e.g. python38.dll) for Windows hosts or libpython**.so (e.g. for Ubuntu hosts (applies to CPU Only Accelerator only when Use Environment Variables is not ticked).

Python File

The Python script file to be executed.

Input Mapping

Input variables from the Python file are auto-populated when it is loaded. Each input variable is mapped to a column or attribute from the input payload.


One or more Python variable names from the Python script file. These are appended to the output payload. When Accelerator is set to GPU Accelerated, the script should print the output in the following format: print({VariableName}:{VariableValue})

Columns Returned

The output values can either be appended to the incoming payload (Append to Existing), or a new payload is created that consists only of the output values (New).

Globals Grid

Optional global variables defined in the Python file that are available when next the Data Stream is published (applies to CPU Only Accelerator only). The value is saved to a Pickle file whenever the Data Stream is unpublished, which allows you to maintain the program state across sessions, e.g. to recall the previous high temperature without waiting on sensor input or a recalculation.

Before configuring the AI & ML Agent, please ensure that its input endpoint is connected to a parent Agent which will be sending data to it.




This endpoint is used to receive data from the parent Agent.


Events received from the parent Agent are made available to this endpoint in the format configured in Outputs and Columns Returned.


Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.

Last updated