This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
Property | Description |
Collection | This associates the Agent to a specific Collection and defaults to that of the current Data Stream. |
Polling Interval (seconds) | A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache. |
Visit Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
Property | Description |
Use Connection Variables | Tick to select saved variables; or enter the text manually for the authentication properties. |
Organization | The organization name of the Snowflake account to which you are connecting. |
Account | The account name of the Snowflake account to which you are connecting. |
User Name | The user name to use for authenticating the connection. |
Password | The password to use for authenticating the connection. |
Once all the Server properties are entered, the Agent will attempt to open a connection with the Snowflake account. If successful, the Database property is populated with a list of available databases.
Property | Description |
Database | The name of the database to connect to. Once selected, the Table and Schema properties are populated accordingly. |
Specify Query | Tick to return rows from a query; or leave unticked to return rows from a table (default). |
Query | The query to execute (applies when Specify Query is ticked). |
Schema | The name of the schema used to filter the Table selection (applies when Specify Query is unticked). If blank, the Table property is not filtered. |
Table | The name of the table to connect to (applies when Specify Query is ticked). Once selected, the Columns To Return property is populated with a list of the table's columns. |
Columns To Return | The columns which the Agent should return. If blank, all columns are returned. |
Filtering & Sorting
Property | Description |
Limit Rows By | The maximum rows that are returned in a single poll. The options are:
Number of Rows | The number of rows that are returned (applies to Number Limit Rows By only). |
Duration Type | Day, Hour or, Minute (applies to Duration Limit Rows By only). |
Duration Value | The value of the duration (applies to Duration Limit Rows By only). |
Timestamp Column | The column used when calculating the duration (applies to Duration Limit Rows By only). |
Filters | Rules for filtering the returned results (optional). |
Sort By | The column(s) and sort order applied to the results (optional). |
Name | Description |
Output | The read events will be made available on this endpoint with attributes as per Columns To Return. |
Error | Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this Endpoint. |
Last updated