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This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Polling Interval (seconds)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
The URL of the Telit IoT Portal that the deviceWise API is connecting to.
App Id
The unique value generated by the Telit device, associated with the Thing Key.
App Token
The token supplied by the Telit Management Portal, used to authenticate the session to the IoT Portal
Thing Key
The unique key that associates the Telit application or client to a particular Thing.
Once the Connection Settings are complete, the Agent attempts to authenticate using Application Authentication to connect with the Telit IoT Portal. If successful, the Thing Definition dropdown is populated with a list of available Thing Definitions to select.
The Thing Definition is the properties required to define a Thing.
Thing Definition
The Thing Definition used to retrieve data.
Return Type
Select which characteristic of the Thing Definition to return. The options are Properties and Alarms.
Select Properties
The property values to be returned (applies to Properties Return Type only).
Select Alarms
The alarm values to be returned (applies to Alarm Return Type only).
The Things from which data will be returned, filtered by the Thing Definition and Search properties.
An event per selected property/alarm per Thing will be made available on this endpoint with attributes matching the configured Return Type.
Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.
An optional on the Things property.