
his section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.




Once the Server Properties are entered, the Connector attempts to open a connection with the database server. If successful, the Database dropdown is populated with a list of available databases.

If aggregation is required AND optional column selection, the aggregation should be implemented within the ADX query.

Special Characters in Identifier Names

These special characters are supported: (_) Underscore, (-) Dash, (.) Period and ( ) Space. The following special characters in ADX Query are not supported and will result in errors:

  • (*) Asterisk (Request is invalid and cannot be executed.)

  • (\) Backslash and (\\) Double Backslash (Parse error. No Values will be displayed.)

  • (.) Period (No Values will be displayed.)

Refer to Azure Data Explorer's Identifier Naming Rules for more information when creating your entity.

Timeseries Settings

Aggregation Parameters Properties

This applies when Is Timeseries Data and Use Timeseries Aggregation are ticked. Ensure at least one of the return columns is of numeric data type. Aggregation is applied to numeric columns, grouped by the remaining return columns.

Live Notifications Properties

This applies when Is Timeseries Data is ticked.

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