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This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
Use Variables
Tick to select saved variables for the Client Id, Secret Key, Tenant Id, and Cluster URL properties; or enter the text manually.
Client Id
Client Secret
Tenant Id
The Id of the tenant to which the Client belongs.
Cluster Url
The Host Name used to create, start, edit, list, terminate, and delete clusters - in the format https://{clusterName}.{location} You can find the URL on the Azure Portal blade for the Data Explorer Cluster under the "URI" property.
The name of the database to connect to. Once selected, the Table property is populated with the list of available tables and materialized views in the database.
Specify ADX Query?
Tick to query using a KQL statement, or select a table (default).
The name of the table or materialized view to connect to (applies when Specify ADX Query is not ticked).
ADX Query
Query Azure Data Explorer (ADX) through a KQL statement (applies when Specify ADX Query is ticked). This is useful when querying data by joining multiple tables.
Columns To Return
The columns which the Agent should return. If no columns are specified, the Agent will return all the columns from the table or query.
Special Characters in Identifier Names
These special characters are supported: (_) Underscore, (-) Dash, (.) Period and ( ) Space. The following special characters in ADX Query are not supported and will result in errors:
(*) Asterisk (Request is invalid and cannot be executed.)
(\) Backslash and (\\) Double Backslash (Parse error. No Values will be displayed.)
(.) Period (No Values will be displayed.)
Refer to Azure Data Explorer's Identifier Naming Rules for more information when creating your entity.
This section applies when Specify ADX Query is NOT ticked.
Limit Rows By
The limit options applied to the returned rows are:
None (default, no limit)
Number (e.g. first 100 rows)
Duration (e.g. 7 days or 24 hours).
Number of Rows
The number of rows that should be returned (applies when Limit Rows By is Number).
Duration Type
The duration options are Day, Hour, or Minute (applies when Limit Rows By is Duration)
Duration Value
The value of the duration (applies when Limit Rows By is Duration).
Timestamp Column
The column used to calculate the row's age (applies when Limit Rows By is Duration).
Filters (Column, Operand, Mapping)
Optional filter criteria applied to the selected table, made up of the following:
Column - Available columns from the selected Table.
Operand - The operand to use such as equals and less than.
Mapping - The value from the input payload to map on the column.
Sort By (Column, Order)
Optional sorting criteria applied to the selected table, made up of the following:
Column - Available columns from the selected Table.
Order - The direction of sorting the records. Could be ASC or DESC.
This endpoint is used to receive data from the parent Agent.
The read events will be made available to this endpoint with attributes matching those specified in the Columns To Return property.
Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.
The Id of the used to connect to the Azure Data Explorer instance.
The Secret of the used to connect to the Azure Data Explorer instance.
Refer to when your query includes identifiers that are the same as keywords or contain special characters.