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This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (default to that of the current Data Stream).
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
Set Value (Formula)
The column or attribute of the input payload that contains the formula to calculate the expected value based on the goal seek variable.
To Value (Expected Value)
The column or attribute of the input payload to compare the output from the formula.
By Changing (Goal Seek Variable)
The column or attribute of the input payload to change to reach the expected value.
Starting Stab Value
Specify the starting point if you know the general region - used to limit the number of guesses required (defaults to 0).
Initial Tine Spacing
The broadness of the 3 guesses in the initial stab (defaults to 1).
For example, starting with 0 and tine spacing of 100, the starting guesses will be -100, 0, and 100.
Maximum number of Attempts
To prevent an infinite loop, the Agent returns a false outcome if the expected value is not reached within the maximum number of attempts specified (defaults to 1000).
Before configuring the Function, please ensure that its input endpoint is connected to a parent Agent which will be sending data to it.
This endpoint is used to receive data from the parent Agent, against which the goal will be sought.
Events received from the parent Agent are made available to this endpoint, with the following appended to the original event:
Seek Result (double): the number determined by the algorithm to get you to the goal value.
Within Acceptance Threshold (Bool): indicates whether the goal seek was successful.
Stab Attempts (Int): the number of times the algorithm was calculated.
Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.