
The InfluxDB platform is an open-source time series database that makes use of real-time analytics. For more information about the InfluxDB platform, please see their store page, data elements definition, and general documentation.

The InfluxDB Agents allow you to include data from an InfluxDB bucket (table) into your stream, using API Key Authentication.

The Listener allows you to return new records inserted into an InfluxDB bucket, at a timed interval.

The Context Provider allows you to read filtered records from an InfluxDB bucket and output these to the Data Stream for contextual data.

The Action Agent allows you to insert received events as measurements to an InfluxDB bucket, one event at a time. Bulk insert is not supported, so performance may be affected if many rows are inserted at once.


None at this time


Please contact XMPro if you're looking for an older version of this Agent.

Last updated