
This example Data Stream demonstrates how to use the Listener to return performance data from an InfluxDB bucket.

Refer to configuration to understand all configuration options of this Agent.

Step 1: Add the Agent

Drag the InfluxDB Listener onto the canvas and rename it. Link the output endpoint to the printer, and save the Data Stream.

Step 2: Configure General

Select the Agent and click Configure. In this case, keep the default Collection and polling interval.

Step 3: Configure Database

Enter Database Details of the Influx Data Cloud to which you want to connect: URL, Token and Org.

Select the bucket and measurement. In this case, set the bucket to Internet and measurement to Internet Speed.

Step 4: Configure Payload

Add the Tag and Field properties to be included in the output payload. In this case, the latency field property with a type of string.

Step 5: Result

Apply the changes, save Data Stream and publish it.

Let's look at the Live Data View. Observe that new rows are printed every 10 seconds - these are the rows that were added to the InfluxDB bucket since the last poll.


See the Import, Export, and Clone - XMPro article for steps to import a Data Stream.

Last updated