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Last updated
This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
Refer to Collections and Stream Hosts to understand more about Collections.
This section applies to Summary Return Type only.
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Name | Description |
This associates the Agent to a specific Collection (defaults to that of the current Data Stream).
Polling Interval (seconds)
A timespan to specify how often should the Agent check for new data/changes or update its cache.
Use Connection Variables
Tick to select saved Variables for the API URL, and API Key properties; or enter the text manually.
The URL of the MOVUS Cloud API.
The authentication code required to access the MOVUS Cloud API.
The Site at which the device is located.
The devices that will be retrieved. Leave it blank to return all devices.
Duration Type
The unit of time that defines the sample data window: Day, Hour, or Minute.
Duration Value
The size of the sample data window.
Return Type
Specify the return type as either of the following:
All - returns all sample data.
Summary - returns aggregated data as configured in Summary Options.
Columns To Return
The columns which the Agent should return (applies to All Return Type only).
If no columns are specified, the Agent will return all the columns from the table.
Summary Attribute
The columns or attributes that will be aggregated.
Summary Types
The aggregation operations are Average, Count, Min, Max, or Sum.
Use Summary Interval
Tick to split the summary into multiple intervals.
Interval Duration Unit
The unit of time that defines the intervals: Day, Hour, or Minute (applies when Use Summary Interval is ticked).
Interval Duration Value
The size of the intervals (applies when Use Summary Interval is ticked).
An event per received message is made available to this endpoint, with attributes as per Columns To Return.
Errors encountered during the execution of this Agent will be published on this endpoint.