
This example demonstrates how to use Random Number Function to simulate a 5% signal noise by randomly generating a value between 0 and 5 can be found below.

Refer to configuration to understand all configuration options of this Agent.

Step 1: Add the Agent

Drag the Agent onto the canvas, link the input endpoint to the sensor data.

Save the Data Stream.

Step 2: Configure General

Select the Agent and click Configure. In this case, keep the default Collection.

Step 3: Configure Settings

In the Number Generation grid add a line for each Random attribute by clicking the Plus (+) button.

  1. Specify a name for the new attribute as Column Name.

  2. Select the minimum range for random number generation from the input.

  3. Select the maximum range for random number generation from the input.

Apply the changes.

Step 4: Results

Save the Data Stream and publish it.

Let's look at the Live Data View. Observe that a new attribute called Signal Noise is appended to the output and its value is randomly generated as per the configuration. A complete example and the files used are provided below.


See the Import, Export, and Clone - XMPro article for steps to import a Data Stream.

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