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This section explains each of the properties in the configuration blade.
Property | Description |
Name | The name that will be visible when selecting a data source. |
Property | Description |
Use Variables? | Tick to use variables for the Server Instance, User Name, and Password settings, or enter them manually. |
Server Instance | The address, either URL or the IP address, where the server can be accessed. |
Use SQL Server Authentication | Some SQL credentials do not need a Password to be specified, while others do. Tick to enter a Password. |
User Name | The username used to log into the SQL database. |
Password | The password used to log into the SQL database. Applies if Use SQL Server Authentication is ticked. |
Property | Description |
Database | The database from which data is retrieved. |
Specify SQL Query? | Tick to return rows from a query; or leave unticked to return rows from a table (default). |
SQL Query | The command to query data from the SQL database (applies when Specify SQL Query is ticked). |
Primary Key | The column or attribute of the SQL Query used to identify rows in the result (applies when Specify SQL Query is ticked). |
Access Control ensures that App users view data they are authorized to see.
The App user is the input parameter to a stored procedure, which returns the values in the access column that the user is authorized to view.
The data source is filtered by these values to generate the Connector output, i.e. what the user sees. The access column name provided in the stored procedure output must match that of the data source.
In the example below, the user can view sites A and B - other sites are excluded from the Connector output. The access column in this instance is "Site".
Please contact XMPro for assistance in setting up the Data Access Control.
Please note that the Access Control properties can only be configured with System Variables.
Property | Description |
Apply Access Control | Tick to restrict the Connector output based on the App user. |
Show Distinct Values Without Access Control Column | Tick to output distinct values of the dataset without the access control column in the result. |
Access Control SQL Server | The address, either URL or the IP address, where the Data Access Control SQL database is hosted. |
Access Control SQL User Name | The username used to authenticate to SQL. |
Access Control SQL Password | The Password used to authenticate to SQL. |
Access Control SQL Database | The database from which Access Control data is retrieved. |
Access Control SQL Stored Procedure | A stored procedure that takes the user as an input and outputs the authorized values. |
Stored Procedure Input Mapping | The input mapping grid for passing the stored procedure's input parameter. Possible options are:
Access Column | The stored procedure's output column name whose values are used to filter the SQL result. |
Property | Description |
Accessible by the selected Business Role only | Tick to restrict access to the Connector based on the design user's business role. |
Business Role | The business role required for a design user to use this Connector (applies when Accessible by the selected Business Role Only is ticked). |
Update / Insert with Username column | Tick to use the App user's username for data inserts and updates. |
Update Username column name | The attribute or column name to use as the username for updates (applies when Update / Insert with Username column is ticked). |
Insert Username column name | The attribute or column name to use as the username for inserts (applies when Update / Insert with Username column is ticked). |