Convert Flow Units
Flow is the volume of fluid that passes in a unit of time. It is often measured in units of cubic feet per second (cfs), cubic meters per second (cms), gallons per minute (gpm), or other various units. Measurement of flow is important for applications such as system control, condition monitoring, billing, and many other applications.
This Function allows conversion from one unit to another e.g. liters per minute (lpm) to gallons per minute (gpm) etc.
Following is a list of supported Units:
Cubic Feet Per Minute
Cubic Meters Per Hour
Cubic Meters Per Minute
Cubic Meters Per Second
Imp Gallons Per Day
Imp Gallons Per Minute
Liters Per Hour
Liters Per Minute
Liters Per Second
US Gallons Per Day
US Gallons Per Minute
Details for an example and its configuration can be found in the How to Use section.
None at this time
Convert Flow Units Function v1.06
Last updated