Telit deviceWise
The Telit deviceWise Agents allow you to connect to a Telit IoT Portal using the deviceWise API, search for Things, and include Thing information, Attributes, Properties and Alarms into your Data Stream:
Properties store (any) historical data for a thing.
Alarms represent the thing's alarm state.
Attributes store meta-data for a thing.
For more information on using this API, please see the Telit IoT documentation.
The Listener allows you to retrieve the current value of the selected Thing Properties or Alarms on the IoT Portal.
The Context Provider allows you to search and filter for Things and retrieve Thing information including its Attributes on the IoT Portal.
The Action Agent enables you to publish the supplied Thing Property or Alarm details to the IoT Portal.
The following is required to use this Agent:
Telit deviceWise API Url
Telit IoT Portal Application Authentication credentials (Thing Key, App Id, App Token)
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